This part will be shipped within the same business day, if order placed by 7am EST and on the next business day if order is placed after 7am EST, or during the weekend, or statutory holiday.
Average shipping time for Canada and United States is between 1 and 7 business days, depending on your location and shipping option chosen during checkout. We offer standard and express shipping options with cheapest shipping rates through all major couriers in Canada and United States, as well as a number of International shipping services such as UPS, FedEx, Purolator, DHL, Canada Post, Canpar, Loomis Express.

Shipping cost will be calculated at checkout based on the contents of your order. You can always check your shipping rate before placing the order. To do so, enter you shipping information on the first checkout page after adding your parts in the shopping cart. You can always go back to the mail page of our website at any stage of the checkout process.
Tracking your Order. We send you emails to confirm your order and to notify you when your order has shipped. Shipping notification will include tracking information such as tracking number and link to the courier web-site, where you can track your order by entering the tracking number received in your shipping notification email. Please note tracking information will be available the day after you receive the shipping notification email.
* Time in transit will vary based on destination postal/zip code, possible delays related to weather and customs clearance procedures for International orders
Important: If your order is late please contact us by email at or use the contact us page and provide your Order Number. It will help us assist with your inquiry quickly.
We deliver to most addresses and PO boxes* within Canada and United States, as well as to most International destinations**
* PO boxes will be shipped with Canada Post or USPS (for United States) only, as no other carriers has access to PO boxes and cannot deliver to PO box addresses.
** If for some reason you are not able to obtain rate and transit time for your International address, please contact us by email at or use the contact us page, so that we can assist with a shipping option for your order.
Extra charges at the time of delivery. Local and International shipments.
For orders made within Canada and United States, there will be no extra charges at the time of delivery.
International shipments may involve such extra charges as Duties, Taxes and Fees.
Shipments outside Canada and United States are treated as International shipments. It is the customer's responsibility to pay all the applicable duties, taxes, & brokerage fees imposed on the import shipments by the government of the receiving country.
A "commercial invoice" will be enclosed with your order. It will contain all the necessary information for a proper tax assessment.
DUTY: Also known as a tariff, Duty is a special kind of tax that you pay to the government of your/receiving country when you import goods. Duties can be imposed to help protect the local industry, making it more difficult for foreign manufacturers to compete with your local manufacturers. Duty rates can vary from 0% (duty free) to 20%, depending on the type of goods. Want to be extra sure? You can call or visit the web-site of the Border Information Service for your/receiving country to check about the duty on a particular item from your order.
FEES: Brokerage and Handling fees are not imposed by the receiving country or by Big Parts.CA, but by a courier company (UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS/Canada Post, or other). The courier company is charging you for providing customs service for you: being your agent when "clearing" your parcel across the border.